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樓主  發(fā)表于: 2010-04-28 23:40
在PLCDEV看到的一篇文章,介紹了如何使用STEP7 Manager連接S7-300/400PLC和上傳、下載程序。
我簡單翻譯了一下,中文版見PDF文檔: STEP7連接與上傳下載程序.rar (319 K) 下载次数:1120

英文原版見word文檔:   Step 7 Connecting, Downloading and Uploading.doc (279 K) 下载次数:192
級別: 論壇版主

精華主題: 7 篇
發(fā)帖數(shù)量: 5268 個
工控威望: 7493 點
下載積分: 160024 分
在線時間: 3210(小時)
注冊時間: 2007-11-21
最后登錄: 2025-03-26
查看sjm213的 主題 / 回貼
1樓  發(fā)表于: 2010-04-28 23:44
Step 7 Connecting, Downloading and Uploading

These are general guidelines for connecting, downloading and uploading from an S7-300 or S7-400 PLC. The following procedures were created using Siemens SIMATIC STEP 7 version 5.4 software.
To start, open the SIMATIC Manager.

Connecting to the S7 PLC
The Programming Cables
There are three major types of programming cables:
1. The CP5512 card in a PCMCIA slot.

2. The PC Adapter using a serial or USB connection

3. An Ethernet cable

The CP5512 card and the PC Adapter can communicate on either an MPI or PROFIBUS port. Note that PROFIBUS is labeled as DP on the Siemens connection ports. These cables can piggyback on existing connectors. Be aware that the PC Adapter draws its power to work from the connection port so check the power LED for proper operation. The CP5512 card draws its power from the computer.
For Ethernet (TCP/IP) use a standard Ethernet cable from the computer to a CPU with an Ethernet port, a CP 343/443 module or a network switch all ready attached to the PLC network.